Lesson Plan, Unit Plan Nuclear History and Discourse
- Grade Level 9th-12th Grade
This set aggregates several resources and unit plans related to the use of atomic weapons against the Japanese in World War II.
Resources: Lesson plan and resources: TEAACH Nuclear History
[Social Science] Social Science: UBD Stages 1 and 2 of Unit Plan: Social Science: Atomic Bombing
SAC Protocol Plan, Structured Academic Controversy Graphic Organizer
[Science] Science: UBD Stages 1 and 2 of Unit Plan: Ethics, Responsibility, and the Science of Nuclear
Energy, Graphic Organizer Nuclear Energy Background, Science: Nuclear Energy SAC Protocol Plan,
Structured Academic Controversy Graphic Organizer
Essential Questions
Should the U.S. have used atomic weapons against the Japanese during WWII?
Should the U.S. use nuclear energy as a main source of energy to reduce carbon emission?
What is our ethical responsibility as scientists when examining the nature of nuclear energy?
How has science been utilized, or might it be exploited, to execute atrocities?